Equities BrokerageWe offer licensed, timely and accurate brokerage services to our clients and investors. We understand the changing dynamics of the market, thereby providing a trading solution where the clients can track their account at all times. We possess an equity team comprising of qualified professionals catering to the investor's portfolio management and advisory needs.
Investing InsightsWe have a qualified research team designated to provide insights about the companies listed on the stock exchange coupled with recommendations to buy, sell or hold the scrip based on its fundamentals. We provide this information regularly and pro-actively for the investors to track the updates in their interested stocks.
Online TradingWe provide high speed online trading platform where the investors can view the results on their portfolios and can also trade themselves as per their requirements.
EducationOur FAQ section provides all details about trading and investment if you are new at it. Navigate to the FAQ section for in-depth information.
Exceptional Customer SupportOur online customer support team is active and diligent in answering to all queries and complains.
Features List.
We provide a wide array of Usable & Flexible FeaturesResponsive Layout
Interface of the Application is user friendly and can be accessed from varying avenues where the investors can trade from anywhere.
Real Time Quotes
Our application provides real time quotations of all the financial instruments traded accross the nation.
Our portfolio management services enable the investors to make prudent decisions about investment mix and policy, matching their investments to objectives, asset allocation and balancing risk against performance. The investors can manage their portfolio directly from their device.
Technical Analysis
The investors can access complete technical information on the listed scrips to predict the future movement based on past trends.
Economic Calendar
Economic calender provides live update of market news and announcements on the go to all clients using the application.
Breaking News
Our application provides live alerts for breaking news in the market directly on the client's device.